
The emotion has its hand against your chest, its powerful weight pressing down upon you. Can you feel it? Pressing harder for every breath you forget to breathe.

Close your eyes… Breathe in … Listen to your heartbeats… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Breathe out.

The thoughts flit around your head, their powerful buzzing filling up your ears. Can you hear it? Growing louder with every heartbeat that passes without acknowledgment.

Close your eyes… Breathe in … Listen to your heartbeats… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Breathe out.

The restlessness scurries along your limbs, its powerful agility leaving your limbs jittering. Can you sense it? Growing quicker with every piece of data your eyes take in.

Close your eyes… Breathe in … Listen to your heartbeats… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Da-Dum… Breathe out. Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out…

Let go.


Calm overtakes your limbs, stilling them. Calm overtakes your thoughts, quieting them. Calm overtakes your emotions, releasing the pressure.

You are okay. You are surviving. You are not alone.

Get to Know Me | Q&A

Hello everyone!

I haven’t done a Q&A/Get to Know Me for a long time and I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate this blog’s 3rd anniversary. I asked you, the lovely readers, to ask me questions in a recent post. I’ve answered those and have added a few of my own that I thought might be interesting.

So, without further ado…

What is your major?

I am getting a Bachelors of Science in Math. 

How was your main (profile) picture taken? Why did you choose it to be your main photo?

It was a picture from my senior pictures in high school. We were outside in a park and the wind happened to blow my hair across my face. I choose it because it was a professional photo and it felt “author-y” to me. 

Where do you wish for your adventures to take you this summer?

I’d love to be able to go to some of the western national parks and go hiking. I’ve been to quite a few of them before, but I’d love to go to Glacier again and go to Yosemite. 

Do you have plans to release new music?

I don’t at the moment, but I hope to start that process again sometime soon. 

Any themes for stories you’ve been dying to write but just haven’t had the time yet?

I would love to write more fantasy, but I’ve been preoccupied trying to finish other projects.

What’s the last puzzle you did?

I helped some friends finish a jigsaw puzzle of a vegetable patch. It ended up being deceptively hard.

What is your favorite time of day?

Probably dusk and just after it’s gotten dark. I love the transitional times of the day.

Are you a dog person or cat person?

I love both, but I’m a little more of a dog person.

Are you a fan of any sports team?

I don’t follow any sports closely, but I am a huge fan of baseball. My team is the Mariners.

Are you a good cook?

Not particularly, but I’m trying to get better. I do love to bake. 

What is your favorite book?

It’s pretty common, but the “Harry Potter” series. They hold a special place in my heart, and will always hold a place in my favorite books list. I also love “The Martian” by Andy Weir. 

What is your favorite day of the week?

I’m a fan of Saturdays, but when I was younger I liked Tuesdays because I felt that they didn’t get enough attention as favorite days of the week. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a marine biologist and an astronaut.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

I am a night owl.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Definitely introverted. 

Do you have piercings or tattoos?

I have two piercings in each ear and have my nose pierced. I don’t have any tattoos.

Do you speak any different languages?

I can speak French enough to mostly hold a conversation.

Where were you born?

I was born in Indiana.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Oregon.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Yes, all the time.

What sports have you played or do you play?

I used to be on a swim team and did softball and dance for a while. I’m not currently doing any sport, besides running here or there. 

Which season is your favorite?

Definitely fall. I love the crisp, cozy days. 

I hope you enjoyed this little Get to Know Me! Let me know what some of your answers are to these questions in the comments below! I’d love to get to know you. Thank you to all of you who participated in the Q&A and thank you for all stopping by today!

Until next time,




Freckles | Reader’s Choice

Thank you to all of you who participated! The inspiration is the word “freckle”.  I hope you enjoy!

creative writing, writing, fiction, short story, short scene, flash fiction“Mom,” she said softly one night as her mother tucked her into bed. It was a ritual she figured she was too old for, but she enjoyed it and wasn’t about to say anything. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure sweetheart, anything.” Her mother sat down on the bed beside her feet.

“When did you start liking your freckles?” She said this so quietly she wasn’t sure her mother had heard her, but she had. She was convinced her mother had some sort of superhuman hearing.

“I started liking them once I realized that they were a part of who I was, a part of what made me unique, but I didn’t always,” her mom said truthfully with a small sigh. “I thought they were weird and too different; I felt self-conscious about them and tried to cover them up.”

“You don’t now though,” she observed.

“No,” said her mother looking kindly into her daughter’s eyes. “I don’t. Why are you wondering? Did something happen?”

“I just noticed that no one else seems to have them.”

“Ah,” her mother said knowingly. “Do you feel like you stand out and you don’t like it?”

She nodded her head, feeling her throat tighten with emotion. “Yeah,” she squeaked.

Her mom put a lovely hand on the blanket where it covered her knee. “Darling, why don’t you want to stand out?”

“It feels weird. It feels like everyone is looking at me and judging me. I don’t like it.”

“No one is judging you, I promise.”

“You don’t know that,” she objected.

“One of the amazing things that come with growing older is the realization that all those times you thought people were looking at you and judging you for what you said, or did, or wore, or looked like, they really weren’t. They’re too focused on themselves and worrying about what everyone is thinking of them.”

“But I don’t like them. I’m always thinking about them and wondering if people don’t like them.”

“What’s not to like? They’re beautiful.”

“No, they’re not, they’re weird. I have a bunch of dots all over my body!”

“And that’s something that makes you unique,” her mother assured her.

“It doesn’t feel that way at school.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t look like everyone else.”

“Sweetheart, I know it’s hard to believe right now, but in a few years, these types of feelings will start to pass. Growing up is hard, you’re finding out who you are and who you want to be in this world. It feels like it’s all happening at once and that you need to know everything about who you are by the time you finish high school. I promise you that you don’t. It’ll be alright.”

“But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like my freckles.”

Her mother paused for a moment thinking. “They make you self-conscious right?” her daughter nodded. “Then use them to make you stronger.”


“What’s something that you like about them?”

“Mom, come on,” she complained.

“Humor me,” said her mother.

She signed. “Fine. I like that I got them from you.”

“What else?”

She paused having to rack her brain for something else. Finally, it came to her, “They’re kind of fun. All my friends say that they like them and that they suit me.”

“They do. You’re a fun, spunky, wonderful girl, and they do suit you. I think so, the family thinks so, your friends think so. I want you to remember that the next time you start wishing they didn’t exist. Learn to love them, they’re part of you, and they always will be. They’re one of the things that make you, you.”

“Is that what you did? Learn to love them?”

“Yes, it took a while. But I tried to remind myself everytime I wanted them to go away reasons why I loved them. You know who else loved them?” her mother said with a barely hidden smile.

“Who?” her daughter asked suspiciously.

Her mother grinned. “Your father.”

“Eww, Mom,” she squealed and tried to hide behind her covers, where a smile spread across her face even though she willed it not to.

Her mom chuckled. “Well, it’s getting late and we both need to get some sleep.” She stood up and leaned down her place a kiss on her daughter’s freckled forehead. “Goodnight Sweetheart. I love you and your freckles.”

It was her turn to laugh. “Goodnight Mom, I love you too.” Her mother raised a questioning eyebrow. She sighed with fake exasperation, rolling her eyes. “And I love my freckles.”

Her mother smiled and headed out of the room turning off the light on her way. She wasn’t going to admit it anytime soon, but she did feel a little better for saying it.

Welcome to the New Scribe’s Canvas!

creative writing, lifestyle, writing, writing process, how I write, poetry, tea

Hello Lovely Readers!

I am so happy to finally be able to share the new Scribe’s Canvas with all of you!

Things look different but don’t worry, all the posts are still here and are (hopefully) a little easier to find.

My goal was to make the posts the central element of Scribe’s Canvas since they are the heart and soul of this blog.

I’ve been wanting to change things up for a while and make things more streamlined and clean. I’ve kept the organization relatively similar, though a few things have moved around. I had found some random posts in random places and I wanted to give every post a proper home.

I’m so happy with the result and I hope you are too. I invite you to take a look around and see what’s changed.

Thank you to all of you who have stuck around and been so supportive of this blog and my writing! It means so much to me and I’m honored that you’ve chosen to come by Scribe’s Canvas whether it’s been for years or you just stumbled upon it today.

I want to thank all of you for all your support!

Happy reading,


Masterpiece of Neutrals

creative writing, short story, fox, snow, winter, scene

A soft dusting of snow drifted down from the gray sky above. There was no breeze to speak of; the layers of puffy clouds hung in place below a thicker blanket of gray. The weak winter sun tried hard to shine through the layers as it sunk closer to the horizon, but only a small amount of light made it, casting the snowy world in a dim milky glow where shadows were thin and stretched out to meet their neighbors.

Hills rose and fell gently, not making much of a ruckus in the landscape. The little fuzzy heads of dried grasses poked above the chilly drifts. If there had been a wind, they would have been dancing wildly, but on this evening they stood still as if they were sentries guarding against the coming darkness.

The world was lacking color, but one could not rightfully call it dull. The bright whites of the snow, the swirling grays of the clouds, and the range of browns of the plants all came together to paint a neutral colored masterpiece.

As seen from a distance, the world would seem to be at a standstill, save for the snow that fell straight to earth. However, if one were to look closer they would begin to see signs of life. One would see the small, sharp imprints of an animal quickly being erased by the fresh snow. Following the tracks, one would come across a small, dark hole in the base of a hill. The dark entrance was streaked with white where loose snow had tumbled over the edge of the burrow.

Deep inside, where their body heat warmed the dirt and air around them, was curled a family of foxes. A black nose rose from the mass of fur, sniffing inquiringly. A small redhead soon followed, pupils wide in the dim light of the den. Yawning, she extricated herself from the pile. She stretched luxuriously before padding up to the entrance of the burrow. Poking her head outside she scanned the darkening wilderness.

Turning back inside, she went to rouse the others. The few flakes that had landed on her head a few moments before quickly melted. Now awake, and with much yawning and stretching, the little family scampered from their home out into the fresh snow.

For a moment, just as darkness truly enveloped the land, one would be able to see streaks of red against the white of the snow before the world darkened into another masterpiece of neutrals.

From Me to You: A Heart to Heart

Hello lovely Readers,

I’ve been gone a long time. A number of months have passed and no new posts have graced the pages of this blog. I want to be completely honest with you guys and try to get my thoughts about this blog and where it’s going onto this page. I’m going to do my best to answer questions, that you might have, and I’m going to be my best to answer them honestly.

So, let’s dive in….

Where Have I Been?

This one is probably going to be the easiest one to answer. I’m currently in college, and I’ve been busy taking classes and working. I’ve been spending time with friends and visiting family. I’ve been reading and have also been taking on a challenge that I hope to share with you before too long. In short, I’ve been living life.

Why Did I Stop Writing?

This one is more complicated and the one I’m going to have the hardest time answering. A simple answer is that I felt uninspired. I felt frustrated because I wanted to be writing and sharing it with everyone, but I wasn’t inspired and I just didn’t feel like it. It’s an odd mix of emotions and the combination made it hard for me to bring myself to write. That’s the simple answer.

Here’s the more complicated answer:

I’ve been dealing with the feeling of inadequacy. I was doing that thing that people always advise you not to do. I started comparing my little blog to the bigger, beautiful, regularly updated blogs that I love to read.

I wanted to be doing what they were doing but didn’t feel like I had the authority or was good enough to do it. I know that this is a common thing that everyone deals with from time to time. Comparing myself to others knocked me and I’ve been struggling to stand up straight again.

Another reason why I’ve been apprehensive to write Scribe’s Canvas is that it’s been growing quickly. I went from starting this blog because I was scared to share my writing with the world to writing for over 1000 people, many of whom I know personally, in a little over a year. It’s been wonderful and amazing. I know that to other people it might seem like this blog grew very slowly, at a snail’s pace, but for me, it was fast. I’ve always been a shyer person and enjoy the amenity that a blog provides. I started feeling like I couldn’t post what I wanted to because I was nervous about what people would think of me; even though all I’ve ever received has been love and support from this amazing community. I’ve been working on this, and while these feelings haven’t completely gone away and I still feel nervous about posting things, I’ve also come to the realization, that this is the exact reason why I started my blog in the first place. I started it to share my work and ideas with the world and to overcome this exact fear. The fear of rejection, the fear of what others think about me, the fear of the unknown.

Am I Back For Good?

To be completely honest, I don’t know yet. But I can say that I hope that’s the case. I’ve really missed writing Scribe’s Canvas.

Even as I sit here and write out this post, I feel better. Maybe it’s just because this is kind of cathartic or maybe it’s because it feels good, to be honest with you and share, but either way, I’m glad I’m writing again. So, I hope that I’m back for good. I hope that I can continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and help myself and others realize that we don’t need to be controlled by our fears.

Is the Content on Scribe’s Canvas Going to Remain the Same?

Probably not, and that’s okay. There have been things that I’ve been wanting to write about, that don’t fit into what I originally claimed this blog would be about and that’s okay too. This is a work in progress and quasi-documentation of what I’m interested in at different points in time. I’ve decided to do my best to let go of all constraints on what subjects Scribe’s Canvas contains. After all, the tagline for this blog since day one has been “a place for a little bit of everything”. There will probably continue to be poetry and creative writing posts, as well as things regarding bullet journaling, or baking, or running, or adventuring, or knitting, or about anything I feel like that day. This is a place for me to share my thoughts and writing with you and to give you a place to take a little break from your day if you so choose.

Well, there you have it. I hope I’ve been able to answer some of your questions. I’m excited and nervous to be back, but isn’t that just a sign that this is something special. I don’t remember a time where I was excited to embark on an adventure and didn’t feel a little nervous as well. I often say that I love going on adventures. It’s one of those things that I share when people ask me to tell them about myself. I’ve come to realize that while I say that I love going on adventures, I often let my fear of the unknown, fear of what people will think, fear of… fear in general, get in the way. And I did that with this blog as well. This is an adventure of sorts and for a little while there, I let my fear get in the way, but one of my goals for 2017 is to work on learning how to overcome my fear, and returning to this blog is a big step, for me, in doing so.

So, I welcome you on come along on this journey with me. I don’t know exactly where we’re headed, but it’s sure to be an adventure.




The Blog-Aholic Award!

Hello, everyone!

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve been nominated for the Blog-Aholic Award! I was nominated by the lovely Makayla over at Beautiful, Gracious and Good: Personal Development.  Her blog is wonderful and I highly suggest you check it out!


  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page)
  4. Mention the creator The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) of this award and please provide a link or pingback as I [Esmé of The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) ] would love to meet you!
  5. Write a post to show your award
  6. Share a link to your best post(s)
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

I don’t really have any “best” posts in mind, but I do any a few that I’m most proud of/enjoyed writing the most:

Swept Up in the Glory

The Healer’s Daughter series (I couldn’t choose just one)

3 interesting facts about me :

  1.  I drink a ton of tea.
  2. I don’t wear high heels often.
  3. I’m really bad at painting fingernails.

I would like to nominate:

I would like to say another heartfelt thank you again to Makayla! I feel very honored that she thought of me for this award.

Until next time and thanks for stopping by!


I’m Back! | An Update

creative writing, writing, lifestyle, blogging, school, college, moving, adultingHello, everyone!

Oh my goodness! It’s been a while! Over a month! Isn’t it strange how you realize how much something means to you when you don’t have it around? That’s definitely what I realized about this blog. I’ve really missed you guys!

I’ve heard from quite a few of you that you’ve missed my posts. Knowing how much you enjoy Scribe’s Canvas makes me feel very humble and all smiley inside. I truly enjoy writing for you and I can’t wait to get back into it! I want to make sure that I say a very sincere thank you to every single one of you for stopping by my little corner of the internet.

So, by this time (if you haven’t already been doing so for the past month) you might be wondering where I went.

Let’s back up to the beginning…

The last post that went up was the final installment of The Healer’s Daughter series in mid-December. I had actually finished the series a few weeks before the final post went up in order to spend time with friends and family over the holidays.So, it’s actually been about two months since I last sat down with my laptop in hand and this blog open on the screen!

December definitely kept me busy. At the end of the year, I moved back to my university. This is the first year that I’m living off-campus. There were all sorts of logistics surrounding apartment hunting and moving to a different town that I’m sure most of you are familiar with. On top of that, I was returning to college after having 6 months off and I’ve had to readjust to being a student.

Without going into the (what I’m sure would be boring) details, I’ll just say the month of January has been both busy and amazing. It’s involved getting back into the swing of things and learning the art of “adulting” (a.k.a. living on my own). I feel that I’ve grown a ton and have really enjoyed being back in college after my time off. I’ve already started making friends and feel that this fresh start is doing just what I hoped it would! It’s been a good start to the year.

And now that I’ve gotten into the “groove” of school and “adulting”, I feel that I can spend more time over here on Scribe’s Canvas!

Yay! I’m excited to be back! With this is a quasi-fresh start, I want to ask you (yes, you!) if there are any types of posts that you would like to see or read more of. I’d love to hear your suggestions and I’ll do my best to do all of them! Please let me know in the comments!

Before I go, I wanted to let you know what you can expect over here on Scribe’s Canvas. Since I’m in school again and life has become busier I’ll do be best to get a post out to you once a week. I’ll be aiming for Wednesdays. But please know that if I don’t get a post out every week that I haven’t forgotten about you!

Thank you for all the joy you bring me and for sticking with Scribe’s Canvas during this hiatus!

Until next time,


NaNoWriMo Recap

Hello everyone,

It feels like a long time since I’ve written here on Scribe’s Canvas. Posts have been going up, but I wrote all but one in advance. I’ve been so focused on NaNoWriMo that I haven’t sat down and written a post for about a month. It feels good to be back.

Anyway, on to the topic of this post:

I finished NaNoWriMo! I made to 50,000 words and have a half finished book! Yay!

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-6-54-42-pmIt was a wonderful experience, though it did have its ups and downs. There were days when I wanted to do anything but write. However, for the most part, I made myself sit down and write a few sentences. More often than not those few sentences would turn into more and I was able to reach my word count goal for the day.

I have found through doing NaNoWriMo I have had to learn to push through the writer’s block. There’s nothing else to do! If I didn’t it would have overwhelmed me and I wouldn’t have been able to finish.

There have been a few lessons that I’ve neared while doing NaNo.

1. It is so much easier to reach a high word count it you plan it out before hand. I was never confused about where the story was going and had to spend little time coming up with the plot. I found that when I sat down to write, I could just get to it. It really sped me up and I feel since I had the entire story in my head at the beginning of the month I was able to tie plot points together better.


2. Writer’s Block is frustrating, scary, annoying and difficult and it will try to thwart you and your goals. However, pushing through all of that, writing anyways and reaching your goal is an incredible feeling.
NaNoWriMo is scary and hard, but completely worth it. You can grow so much as a writer and even if you don’t make it all the way to 50,000 words, just the act of starting (no matter your final word count) is wonderful. If you’re scared or don’t think you can do it, try it anyway! You never know what you can achieve until you try! And, if nothing else, your typing skills will probably get way faster.

Until next time,



Books from my Childhood

creative writing, writing, blog, childhood, harry potter, fiction, reading, memories

Hello, everyone!

I’m sitting out here on my porch enjoying, what is probably, the last day warm day we’ll have in a while. As so often happens when sitting on a porch, watching as people pass by and leaves fall from the trees, I have begun to reminisce.

I was reading this afternoon, deeply engrossed in my book, when it hit me. My taste in books hasn’t changed dramatically as I’ve grown up. Sure, I don’t read “Magic Tree House” anymore, but I still love books about adventure and magic.

You could ask me right now, what books I love and recommend and I’d be able to tell you. I’d be able to give you a list of books that you ought to read, but they’re all books I’ve read in recent years.

And as I sit on this porch, enjoying the last warm day of the year, I think to myself. How would I have answered when I was 10? What books was I loving then that I would have recommended had someone asked?

So, I’ve done some deep digging in the memory banks and have come up with a list of 10 books/series that 10-year-old me would have suggested.

  1. Harry Potter
  2. Chronicles of Narnia
  3. Magic Tree House
  4. Inheritance Cycle
  5. Secrets of Droon
  6.  Warriors
  7.  The Theif Lord
  8. Series of Unfortunate Events
  9. Princess Academy
  10. Al Capone Does My Shirts

I have to say that looking at this list of books, I’d still recommend them today. These really were some great books!

I hope you enjoyed this little excursion into the past with me. I had fun writing this quick post, and have enjoyed sharing a little bit of my childhood with you.

Reading is, and always has been, a big part of my life. I hope that one day I can share these books with future 10-year-olds. Maybe their love of reading can blossom as well.

Until next time,
