Ode to the Swingset | 200 Word Story

The world swishes by. The blue of the sky quickly being replaced by the tree behind you. You pump your legs harder, trying to launch yourself into the sky. The wind rushes through your hair and a smile breaks out across your face.

The world moves past. The partly cloudy sky moving along to be replaced by the barren tree behind you. You let yourself slow a bit, trying to time your next move perfectly. With a rush of adreline, you let go and fly through the cold air. You land in the massive pile of soft snow built just this purpose. There’s a single moment where the world pauses, before giggles escape your body. Almost immeidiately there are calls for doing it again.

You’re giddy with the succession of your mission and you clamber out of the snow as best you can, desperate to give flying another go. Trudging through the knee deep snow, struggling to lift your feet, you hop back up onto the yellow plastic of the swing’s seat. “Okay! Ready to fly!” you shout; laughter encapsulating every part of the experience.

Ten inches of snow on a swing, along with well-placed shadows, create a natural smile. Made with a Leica SL and Elmarit 24-90 lens. For more go to http://www.elviskennedy.com


i look above me

my friend is there, covering me

in darkness and light 

tapestry | Sunday Haiku

creative writing, writing, poems, poetry, haiku, life

day by day I piece

together the tapestry

that is my own life


Your reflection in the pond

is not one you wish to see

your youthful looks are missing

disappeared by the setting sun.


Shadows play across your face

odd angles playing with light and dark

features half hidden by the darkness

that you fear is inside.


You wonder when it took root

worming its way deep inside

so small and quiet at first you did not see it

until the sun began to set

and the shadows came to play.


A quick look only shows one side

of the multifaceted creature that looks back at you

but a quick glance is all you can bare

it hurts too much to see how far you’ve come.


All you can see are the scars

the remnants of the hundreds of tiny paper cuts

that tried to tear apart the paper doll

that you’d only just taped back together.


The reflection in the pond haunts you

reminds you of things you wished you’d done

of faces your thought forgotten

of words left unsaid.


The surface ripples, your face distorting

becoming something else

something surreal

something almost beautiful.


For by the rippling water

the scars have been blurred away

until all that’s left is the vaguest image

of who you used to be.


But there is an unsettling feeling

in the pit of your stomach

this rippling reflection of your face is beautiful, yes

but it’s not truly you, not anymore.


Your face distorted into a dishonest image

one that seeks to hide the truth

if only to protect its wearer from seeing

the scars once thought disappeared still remain.


The water calms

your reflection restored to its former self

your scars reappear

youthfulness lost once again.


This time it’s not a quick glance

a shy look that barely lingers

it’s a long, hard stare

to find that its a beautiful face staring back.


and it’s yours…


creative writing, haiku, imagination, planets, poetry, poem, writing

searching for wonders

flying to far off worlds

dreaming up beauty

Books from my Childhood

creative writing, writing, blog, childhood, harry potter, fiction, reading, memories

Hello, everyone!

I’m sitting out here on my porch enjoying, what is probably, the last day warm day we’ll have in a while. As so often happens when sitting on a porch, watching as people pass by and leaves fall from the trees, I have begun to reminisce.

I was reading this afternoon, deeply engrossed in my book, when it hit me. My taste in books hasn’t changed dramatically as I’ve grown up. Sure, I don’t read “Magic Tree House” anymore, but I still love books about adventure and magic.

You could ask me right now, what books I love and recommend and I’d be able to tell you. I’d be able to give you a list of books that you ought to read, but they’re all books I’ve read in recent years.

And as I sit on this porch, enjoying the last warm day of the year, I think to myself. How would I have answered when I was 10? What books was I loving then that I would have recommended had someone asked?

So, I’ve done some deep digging in the memory banks and have come up with a list of 10 books/series that 10-year-old me would have suggested.

  1. Harry Potter
  2. Chronicles of Narnia
  3. Magic Tree House
  4. Inheritance Cycle
  5. Secrets of Droon
  6.  Warriors
  7.  The Theif Lord
  8. Series of Unfortunate Events
  9. Princess Academy
  10. Al Capone Does My Shirts

I have to say that looking at this list of books, I’d still recommend them today. These really were some great books!

I hope you enjoyed this little excursion into the past with me. I had fun writing this quick post, and have enjoyed sharing a little bit of my childhood with you.

Reading is, and always has been, a big part of my life. I hope that one day I can share these books with future 10-year-olds. Maybe their love of reading can blossom as well.

Until next time,



I Never Stood a Chance

creative writing, writing, flash fiction, short story, short scene, family

“I never stood a chance did I?”

“That’s the sad part, you did once.”

“I did? What did I do?”

“You ruined it, your chance.”

“But how?”

“You still don’t know?”

“If I knew, would I be asking?”

“No, I suppose not. I’m not going to tell you. You have to figure that out yourself.”

“How will I ever know what I did? I’ve done so much crap in my life.”

“That’s true.”

“So, how will I know when I’ve found what caused all this? ”

“I can’t tell you that, only you can.”

“Just tell me! I want to be better, I promise!”

“Let go of me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. You’re not sorry, though. You never are. You’ll never know what you’re missing.”

“She’s grown up now, though. What I did is in the past. She shouldn’t be holding on to it. She should just move on.”

“I’m not sure anyone can move on from what you did. You left her all on her own. You left her with that woman.”


“You left her, and she was left to fend for herself.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt-”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“What else can I do? She just walked in here, said she didn’t want to see me and left. She didn’t even give me a chance to explain.”

“An explanation isn’t what she needs.”

“What then?! What can I do?”

“Lower your voice, people are staring.”

“Who cares? She’s never going to talk to me again is she?”

“Only she can answer that.”

“How did I ruin my chance?”

“Fine, I’ll tell you: you never came back.”

“That’s not true, I’m here now. I was the one who called her up when I got into town.”

“After she was all grown up and doing well on her own.”

“What does she expect me to do? I can’t go back in time and show up then. I can’t go back and stop that woman from hurting her.”

“Yes, but you could have. That was your chance. You had fifteen years worth of chances and you never took them.”

“That’s harsh. You know that it was toxic for me to be there.”

“Exactly, it was a toxic environment for you, an adult. She was just a kid, imagine what it was like for her.”

“Oh…I should have taken her with me.”


“That’s how I ruined it, isn’t it? I ruined my chance of having a daughter all those years ago when I left without her.”


“No wonder, I don’t stand a chance. I wouldn’t give myself one either. What can I do now? How do I even start to repair what I did to her?”

“You’re her father, just be there for her. Don’t push her to forgive you like you did today. Give her time. Let her know you are here for her. If she ever calls, drop whatever you are doing and answer. Be here for her now, like you never were then.”

“Will it ever be like it could have been?”

“…no, probably not.”

“I missed my chance then?”

“At that relationship, but you have a chance to make a new one. Take it.”

“You’re right. From this moment on, I’ll be different. I’ll be the father she deserves.”

“About time.”



Hidden from View | 200 Word Story

creative writing, writing, short story, short scene, flash fiction, fiction

She was panting. They were getting closer. She could hear footsteps; pacing around the room. A rush of adrenaline coursed through her body as they passed directly in front of her. She tensed, held her breath and waited.

They hadn’t seen her. She was hidden, for now. She had no idea how long it would take them to find her, it could be seconds or hours. They could be sneaking up on her right now. Maybe they already knew where she was and were toying with her, trying to convince her she was actually hidden when the opposite was true.

She bit down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from making noise. Her heart was pounding strongly in her chest. She was breathing as quietly as she could, trying her best to be absolutely silent. They must be close to finding her; any stray sound would give her away.

The footsteps were returning. They must have realized where she was. She clasped a hand over her mouth, holding her breath.

They came into view, bending down to see her.

“Found you!”

Both began to giggle.

Crawling out from under the table, she declared:

“Your turn. I’ll count!”




Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

harry potter and the cursed child, book, reading, book review, writingSo at the beginning of this month, I got my very own copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I read it and I thought it was…

…Wait, I should give you some background first.

My parents started reading the series to me sometime in late 2001. I remember my mom doing the voices for the characters and the intensity with which the novels grabbed my imagination. I remember waiting for midnight on the day of the book launches, barely being able to wait for my own copy (though we often ordered them off the internet, I guess it was the idea that the book had entered the world that excited me).

I remember when my mom and I finished the series. We were sitting in our hotel room after spending the day at my swim meet. I remember both of us just sitting there on the bed lost for words. It felt so weird that something we had loved and enjoyed for so many years was over.

I loved the movies as well, but not quite as much. As my birthday is around Thanksgiving, I had a few birthday parties where we went to the theaters to see the films. I’ve also gone to the midnight releases of the last 4 films.

Now, I’m not telling you all of this to show off my Harry Potter nerdiness. I’m telling you so that you can understand the level of my excitement for anything Harry Potter, including this new book.

When I first learned about the book, I was excited. It was another story in the Harry Potter universe. Another chance to explore that world that we all left behind so long ago. I guess, in a way, it was a way to reconnect with my childhood.

Anyway, when I learned about the release date I knew that I was going to get the book. My stomach was fluttering with excitement when I walked into the local Barnes and Noble. I picked up my copy and carried it gingerly to the front desk. I paid and literally hugged the book all the way out of the store.

I waited to read it and I’ll tell you why. I had another book going at that moment and I didn’t want any other book related distractions around when I finally cracked open that cover. I guess part of me didn’t want the universe to truly end. I remember how weird it felt when book 7 ended.

A few nights later, I was laying in bed and deiced that that was the night. I cracked open the cover and began to read. I made it through about half the book before my dad (I’m living at home currently) mentioned that it might be a good idea if I slowed down, spread the book out so that I could savor it. Reluctantly, I agreed with him.

Though, it didn’t last long. I finished the book a few days later.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you what happens as I’m sure there are those of you out there who haven’t read the book and would like to.

I really liked the book. It wasn’t the same as the original books, but it was still very good. It felt like part of the universe. I’m so glad that this book was written. It felt a little like a finale to the series.

I recommend that all of you who have loved the reading Harry Potter. If nothing else as a way to finish up the story line.

After nine years, it feels as if a huge part of my childhood has come to a happy, pleasent close.



to be young and free

without a care in the world

at times, seems like magic

This is day 5 in July’s Daily Word Inspiration Challenge.