Hello England

It has been a crazy few days. Before I begin to share, I would like to thank all of you for sticking around and being patient while I’ve taken a mini break from blogging.

And now onto today’s story…

Since my last post I have packed and moved to England for a year.


I left the United States on Tuesday morning, arriving at my room late Wednesday night. As is the way with travel, there was quite a bit of “hurry up and wait”. There came a point in the long day when time seemed to be something separate from my experience. It might have had to do with how tired I was, or maybe it was the time change. Either way, looking back on my traveling experience is a little odd. It feels as if barely any time passed while at the same time it seemed I would never arrive.


Moving on from travel…

Arriving on Wednesday night, I have since settled into my room. During that process I learned of many things that would be helpful to have, such as hangers. A shopping adventure appears to be in my near future.


I have also begun to meet other international students. Being rather shy about making friends, I promised myself that I would step out of my comfort zone. I have noticed that since being here (it hasn’t been that long, one day really), I have already begun to make friends. Based on my past friend making record, this wouldn’t have happened. Living in a foreign country, I am able to use it as a completely fresh start and let go of all the baggage that followed me around back home.

I am a self professed anglophile and there has been a piece of me that has felt connected to the UK. A part of me has always thought of it as “home”. Even though I have only been here one day I feel as if I am finally traveling home.

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